all's i have to say, is
"Good artists copy, Great artists STEAL!"
which means, to me, "all the best stuff, is usually a mix of all the good stuff" ...
and, did anybody stop to think, that they didnt want to start from scratch.. perhaps mybb had what they wanted, just not quite right... like vb, had what they wanted, but to damn expensive..
we all just use stolen software, call it nulled, and pretend its all good.. at least these guys are attempting to create their own legit answer... i dunno, i think all you guys are bein a little harsh.. we hide underground with our nulls, and they are right out there in the open saying "we wont pay the price, well just do it ourselves" ...
now, if they copy vb code or whatever and get in trouble, thats what they get... cause that would go back to stealing...
and isnt that how the best things are created?? take and idea, whether its yours, mine, or whoevers, and making it better?????? whether better means "free", or "works better" , or whatever...! i mean, isnt that why some guy put cheese on his hamburger? and then another guy put a second piece of meat oh there as well, and then some dude puts thousand island dressing, and a third piece of bread, and calls it a friggin big mac???? i mean come on... thats how stuff is created....imo...
personally, i love vb... but if these guys can pull off a good free clone, that doesnt get em in trouble, offers decent support, and a decent amount of addons(or ease of creation of addons), then i say more power to em!! welcome to the age of shared information! lol
wow.. now thats a rant! lol