Is there a reasonable explanation for why Feminists...?


New Member
Have not been deemed a hate group and their activities (whether internet or otherwise) have not been closely scrutinized by the FBI, DOJ (as is the case for White Supremacist Organisations, e.g. KKK, etc.)?<br />
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Additionally, if a member of a known terrorist or hate group is officially known to the Federal government, why do people think it's unconstitutional to have a publicly available registry of such individuals?<br />
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Child predators are registered in most jurisictions (and have been for many years) why is it different for Feminists? Is it necessary for a Feminist to commit an actual sex crime before society intercedes in an effort to protect young people or is it in keeping with our moral imperative to protect the fundamental civil rights of our citizens, with respect to clear and imminent threat from hate groups who advocate violence and paedophilia?<br />
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A parent should have the right to know if a child care facility employs known sex offenders, Feminists or those affiliated with hate groups, no?<br />
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http//<br />
Maybe you should start your own hate group against feminists and find out. sounds like you're well on your way!
I don't think people think of feminism as a hateful group because when it started off they (feminists) tried to make things a little better for women. For them to have choices if say no man wants to marry them.

Now, feminists makes up approx. 25% of the worlds population and even though woman can do just as much as men and have equal power (even more IMO) they still continue to "fight for their rights" claiming women are still being oppressed.

They are hateful to men and I'm sure many of them are lesbians or bi-sexual. Though not as terrible as the KKK I think in the future (say 100 or so years) feminists will be just as hateful.
Hmm what does it say about someone who thinks the FBI, DOJ, and the entire federal government is wrong about a group and insists the group is a threat to society? You wouldn't happen to be registered as an inmate of an institution yourself, would you? Since the majority of pedophiles in prison in the US are men who I'm guessing would not identify as feminists, just which group of people should be registering as sex offenders again? You're sadly mistaken about feminists and really need to get a grip on yourself.