Installing Perl Modules


Hi!<br /><br />So is giving out it's script for free. I got the script, I'm not sure what to do with it. I was reading the directions and it said something about installing perl modules, what do that mean?<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Anna<!--content-->
What Perl modules does it say you need to install? I imagine unless they are pretty obscure (or are LJ specific), TotalChoice probably already has them installed.<br /><br />You can see a list of all the Perl modules installed on the server in CPanel. In the Server Information box on the lower left, there should be a row that reads "Installed Perl Modules" followed by a links that reads "Click to View". Click that link, and you can see all of the modules currently installed. Just do a find for the modules you need, and if they are all there, you are good to go. If not, just let me know and I'll try and help walk you through the installation process.<br /><br />On a side note, if you're not married to LiveJournal, there are other great free blogging/journal tools out there. My personal favorite is <a href="" target="_blank">Movable Type</a>. It couldn't be easier to install, and it has been working great for me. Just thought I'd mention it. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->