Inserting 1 page of site into another


Is there any possibility that I can insert any page from another site into my site.
I want to disply a Tariff of a company in my site, but the Tariff changes everymonth. I want to link the tariff page in my site so no update from my side anytime.That is easily done using frames or an iframe. Why not just provide a link to the tariff webpage?

KevinI don't want to insert the link of tariff.
I want that tariff page view in my below frame.
You gave a good idea to put into frame.
How can i done this. Please write the example html.
Sir, What is iFrame ????An iframe is a frame you can insert into any webpage without the need for a frameset document. I believe it is still only supported by IE and it's little brother, AOL.

Here is the code for a pretty typical framed website. This is called the frameset document. This will display a top frame 90 pixels high and below that a left and right frame.

<title>Your title here</title>
<frameset rows=90,* border=0 frameborders=no borders=no>
<frame src= scrolling=auto frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 noresize>
<frameset cols="165,*" border=0 frameborders=no borders=no>
<frame src= frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 noresize>
<frameset rows="100%" border=0 frameborders=no borders=no>
<frame src= name=catalog frameborder=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 noresize>


To display the contents of a remote webpage, just use the full URL of the page in the src= <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. I can't teach you frames on this message board, but there are many internet tutorials that cover the subject. Just do a search on any search engine for "how to make frames on a webpage" or something similar. Same with iframe, do a search to find more information about it.

KevinThis site may help you:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... window.htm</a><!-- m -->