Post: Forums in columns + Custom forum images
User: KillaStaff
Infraction: Insulted Other Member(s)
Points: 1
Administrative Note:
Message to User:
User: KillaStaff
Infraction: Insulted Other Member(s)
Points: 1
Administrative Note:
Reason for infraction
Message to User:
Original Post:Your have recieved this infraction for insulting other members...
Just don't do it!!
vBTEAM is a friendly forum and we do not like members insulting each other nor do we like members swearing in posts!
work for me
great mod, thx for share betrocker
@ pmt & Moegames
<-- Censored --> you guy's all thx and coder are in txt, if you don't like, don't post
@ dxbstars & nitins60 & HAiDER
it works, after modification, go to admincp -> Forums & Moderators -> Forum Manager (option "edit forum") and /!\ JUST FOR CATEGORY ( NOT FORUMS)/!\, at the bottom of the page, option " Show Subforums in # of columns " , change the " 1 " by " 2 " (for two columns, or " 3 " for three columns, but two is recomanded lol)
after this it works well, Njoy
@ Dutchwii
replace :
Code:<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/$forumid.png" alt="" class="ForumImages" />
by :
Code:<img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/$forum[imageprefix]forum_$forum[statusicon].gif" alt="" border="0" id="forum_statusicon_$forum[forumid]" />
Many thx betrocker(just review your code of template, because is really not good lol (not valid xhtml))
i post my template modif tomrrow
(and sorry for my english :s)