Infraction for kaB00M: Signature Rule Violation


New Member
Post: [Graphics & Images][kaB00M] TUX Avatar set
User: kaB00M
Infraction: Signature Rule Violation
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Remove image!

Message to User:
Remove this image form ALL your posts, If we allowed signatures you would have the option in usercp!

I have warned you on this before and stated that it was only ok if the post was something (style/mod/hack) you personally designed! this privalige has now been revoked.

If I find anymore off your posts with this image or other similar content from today onwards I will request you be banned for gross misconduct on our forums!

Original Post:

Grpahics - Upload from

Cannot take credit for any of this, but thought I would share.

The tux avatar sets.

Found them freely available on the net, and have resized them to 100x100

Just a quick tip, if you need to batch resize images. we use:

VSO Image resizer.

totally free, quick google search will help.

Cpl of screen pics of TUX Avatars

Enjoy. Ozzy[url=] YoBroMoFo'er[/url]