Infraction for int-char host: Spammed Advertisements


New Member
Post: looking for warez host. what do u recommend?
User: int-char host
Infraction: Spammed Advertisements
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
Stop posting your webhost....

Message to User:
You simply registered to promote your website. You are not allowed to do this.

This is your first infraction.

The post in which you posted in was for SUGGESTIONS on a good host. You are not suggesting. You are promoting.

Original Post:
You should try the int=char standard package

Disk Space 1GB
Bandwidth 50GB
MySQL Databases Unlimited
Email Accounts Unlimited
FTP Accounts Unlimited
SubDomains Unlimited

Instant Setup!

We are one of the best hosting with lowest prices in europe
99.97% Uptime
cPanel Pro
Warez Linking Totaly Allowed!

This month we have a special offer for this package:
3 months: $7.00
6 months: $12.00
12 months: $18.99

Payment types: PayPal, AlertPay, Moneybookers

more info at INT=CHAR | Home
Contact: [email protected]