Infraction for frog: Insulted Other Member(s)


New Member
Post: Alert site
User: frog
Infraction: Insulted Other Member(s)
Points: 1

Administrative Note:

Message to User:
You are recieving this infraction for insulting the staff of vBTEAM, your lucky I'm in a good mood or you would have been banned!!


Original Post:
idea is great imo, unfortunately i dont have any skills to do that.

One thing i cant understand ,
why all staff members are so arrogant when some ask help or something like that, i know maybe some questions are so dummies, but i dont think u all must be arrogant, whats the point of this good community if i dont get any nice answers or whatever, you get the point.
Changed my mind and banned him instead after reading his reply to my post which I wrote about his post.