Post: Official 12NO rant and rave thread
User: bluejay00234
Infraction: Did not upload attachment.
Points: 1
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User: bluejay00234
Infraction: Did not upload attachment.
Points: 1
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Being a fucking idiot!!!!
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Being a fucking idiot!!!!
Original Post:
User12399 said:No not the mods. The staff here aer very trustable as they provide us wiht mods etc.
He was a hacker, and wow 12no is stupid!
WHat an idiot stealing a boys identity!
Being an owner of a number of boards who is also the judge, jury, and executioner I can tell you i don’t trust mods, i would trust an Admin/Owner before i trust a mod. A mod is simple a watch dog, nothing more.
The Mod I’m referring to said that a Vbteam member who posted 12no information (the same information we all who paid) have is indeed incorrect. They claimed it was not the real information, so i simple ask why does this Mod not provide the real information he/she has on 12no? Why hold on it? Why protect 12no? Why is a Mod here allowed to taunt VBteam members who have just had their money stolen? Is it screw the members day? Where is Vo1d, Hoxxy?