Infobar On All Pages (v1.0.4)


New Member
This is an modification/extension to Slapyo's "Information Bar for Guests" mod

I used his mod for advertising features or events on my site such as when a few people got together in Chat, or if I wanted to bring everyones attention to specific page or thread. I didnlt like editing the templates by hand each time I changed the text or URL, thus this install.

You can control the Text, URL and which usergroups will see the Inforbar via the AdminCP.

As of 1.0.4 you can have 2 different Infobars display to 2 different usergroups, say one for guests encouraging them to register and one for registered users informing them of a new feature or upcoming event or asking them to donate dollars....

No checking is done on this - I suggest you don't enable multiple infobars for the same usergroup!

The CSS and GIF files included are from Slapyo's add-on.

Upload 3 files to your forum root
Import Product File
Modify URL, Text and enable Infobar in vBulletin Options (Infobar) in your AdminCP.

Tested on 3.6.4

Version History
1.0.1 Initial Release
1.0.2 Usegroup Conditionals Added in AdminCP
1.0.3 Internal Update
1.0.4 Now supports 2 Infobars for different usergroups

Upgrade instructions, install new XML, re-enter your Infobar settings in AdminCP in required