Increae google and yahoo but decrease on bing ?


New Member
Hello Friends,

I am working a site which are good on yahoo and Google but it's not good ranking on bing or msn,when i am following same strategy for all search engines then my site not good on bing ? should bing seo policies are different s then yahoo and google and what i will do get good rank on bing ?

Thanks First, as of about a month ago or so, Bing is now powering all of Yahoo's search results. And, there is no MSN anymore
So, basically, you only have Google and Bing to worry about now.

Unfortunately, the 2 search engines' algorithms are different enough that optimizing for one doesn't necessarily guarantee success with the other. Personally, I focus on Google, since it is the biggest and most used search engine. As my site has gone up the ranks in Google, I've seen it go up in Bing as well, although, in most cases, not as high.

As far as Bing is concerned, here's what I've had SEO experts tell me:
- Bing tends to favor older domains
- Bing puts alot of emphasis on title tags, so make sure yours are taken care of
- Bing likes pages that have at least 300 words of content on them, so if you don't have much content, now is the time to add more i am also facing the same problem as my website keywords are in top in google search reasults...... and i found that bing results are not consistent.

thanks nicole for few of your tips Quote: Originally Posted by nicolebeckett Personally, I focus on Google, since it is the biggest and most used search engine. Since Yahoo/Bing each had ~15% of the search engine market and then doubled with the merger, don't you think it's a big enough force to concentrate some efforts on? Or is the marginal work required to optimize your site(s) by x% in the rankings not worth it? each SE uses another algorytm for sites popularity.
Anyway it is hard dopic to discuss. There is 100's of opinions on this1 Just keep doing your work and both search engines will see it!! They have different way to spider and Google is very faster so dont worry and keep working! Search engines are updating and they have different criteria on how to evaluate sites in the rankings of a particular keyword. I think that you must maintain the SEO that you always do. Bing is quite unpredictable. I have a website ranking #1 on yahoo and #3 on google for a keyword and not even top 100 on bing.