Important Onpage SEO factors


New Member
On page SEO or search engine optimisation is making sure that your website is as search engine friendly as possible. If your website is not optimised then you have less chance of getting good results in the search engines, here is a quick guide towards good on page SEO:

Make sure that all of your web pages can be indexed by search engines - make sure that they all have at least one link from somewhere on your site.

Make sure that you have unique content on every single page.

Make sure that your meta-tags are arranged correctly - your page title tags and description tags should describe the content of your different web pages. The page title tags should be less then 68 characters and the description tags more detailed but less then 148 characters.

Make sure you label the different headers on your web pages using H tags.

Make sure that your web page URLs are SEO friendly, use mod re-write for Linux and Apahche hosting or use IIS redirect for Windows. Ideally make it so that the URLs describe your content i.e. use as apposed to having something like Use hyphens or underscores to separate words in the URLs.

Make sure that the links within your site are complete i.e. if you are linking to the blue widgets page link to as apposed to just blue-widgets.php.

Make sure that you use descriptive URLs for your images i.e. use blue-widget.jpg as apposed a bunch of numbers and or letters .jpg.

Make sure that you label all of your images with descriptive alt attributes.


New Member
On Page SEO simply refers to the text and content on your web pages.
It includes:
Meta tags
Keyword richness
Error free
Content rich and meaningful
Deep linking
It all makes your site SEO Friendly as well as User Friendly.


New Member
On-page optimization increase the visibility of webpage which includes content optimization, meta tags, h1 tags, alt image tags.


New Member
On page SEO is very important - it is more stronger, more effective optimization of off-site should work.
Of course, the best ranking on the site a site, the better he should do in general - and the more established a site, they may benefit more from the SEO page.


New Member
On-page SEO techniques is most important and effective factor of SEO. All the success of SEO campaign depend on the on-page SEO. If you not optimised on-page techniques effectively then your all SEO efforts may become worthless.