I am about to convert my website over the summer to take advantage of PHP and MySQL, since I now have access to those. My website is a gaming site and as such has a variety of articles ranging from Reviews to Faq's.
I want to make just one page (say, showarticle.php) and pass it a reference such as ?articleid=105 and have article 105 displayed on that page. It would also show other info associated with article 105 such as the author, subject, type, date etc... I would like this feature as it would allow me to create a search engine based on custom criteria - as well as other things such as restricting access to certain documents to certain users.
This is nothing new as I have seen it on many website (especially news sites) but I have no idea how best to implement it.
Without going into too much detail (like normalization etc) how should I implement this? Should I have the article ID in a table with the author, date , subject, and a link to a text file containg the article itself? Or do I put the article in a field in the table(!)(I find that hard to believe somehow). Or is there some much better/simpler way to do it?
Thanks for any input. Sorry if this is a real newbie question but DB's are quite new to me and well...you know
I am about to convert my website over the summer to take advantage of PHP and MySQL, since I now have access to those. My website is a gaming site and as such has a variety of articles ranging from Reviews to Faq's.
I want to make just one page (say, showarticle.php) and pass it a reference such as ?articleid=105 and have article 105 displayed on that page. It would also show other info associated with article 105 such as the author, subject, type, date etc... I would like this feature as it would allow me to create a search engine based on custom criteria - as well as other things such as restricting access to certain documents to certain users.
This is nothing new as I have seen it on many website (especially news sites) but I have no idea how best to implement it.
Without going into too much detail (like normalization etc) how should I implement this? Should I have the article ID in a table with the author, date , subject, and a link to a text file containg the article itself? Or do I put the article in a field in the table(!)(I find that hard to believe somehow). Or is there some much better/simpler way to do it?
Thanks for any input. Sorry if this is a real newbie question but DB's are quite new to me and well...you know
