Impact on multiple classes vs one class in CSS [closed]


New Member
Is there a big difference in using single class Vs multiple class in terms of browser rendering ? apart from the advantage on size of CSS file. How browser interprets the multiple css vs the single css, will there be pointer reference on styles?\[code\] .boardCls{ padding-left:8px; padding-top:3px; width:213px; border-radius:5px; font-size:0.75em; font-weight:bold; height:22px; left:5px; position:absolute; top:35px;}\[/code\]VS\[code\].fl{float:left} .posabs{position:absolute} .b{font-weight:bold} \[/code\]Example:\[code\]<div class="boardCls">Hello world !!</div>\[/code\]VS\[code\]<div class="fl posabs b">Hello world !!</div>\[/code\]