I really need help about this girl! (both guys and girls)?


New Member
i work at this Walgreens that is really close to my house...bout 3 min drive. I started working there about a month ago and there is this one girl that caught my eye. She is my co-worker who is 20 years old and i want to ask her out on a date to go see a movie or have dinner or something. But the problem is...I'm only 17 so shes three years older than me and i feel like she only looks at me like im a kid. Now i dont act like one..but the way she talks to me sometimes gives off that feeling. Yesterday when i was leaving work (was working closing) she was the one who opened the door. Is store rule that once store is closed you have to have someone else open the door for you then lock it. Well i think she actually talked to me for real for the first time. She asked me "hey what type of car do you drive?" and then talked about her car for a little while. asked her is she was working Saturday and she said yeah; closing, then said cya then but that was it. We rarely get to talk to each other since she works in the Cosmetics and i work at the front register. Only time we do it closing or when we bump into each other doing put backs.<br />
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What i want to know is...is there any way to have her look at me like somebody who is date -able and not a kid?and how should i go about asking her out? cause i really am attracted to her. Thx for answering and reading the long question.<br />
chances are, she just sees you as a coworker. if there are signs of flirting, then see where that goes and maybe eventually ask her out. but if she seems to just treat you like a kid, it's most likely because she doesnt see you as someone she would date. good luck! )
umm. This is hard. Because she is 20 and an adult, and you are still a minor. I hate to break it to ya but most women her age are going to be looking for older men, not younger boys. It sucks, I know. But it'd probably not be the best idea to act on that attraction unless you're 18&up.

Hope this helps even though it may be not what you wanted to hear necessarily. P
if you wanna come off more mature in her eyes, the obvious thing to do would be to act that way

take on some more responsibility at work

ask her about her stance on politics or something that interests her

prove to her that you arent as immature as most 17 year old boys
continue to be you first off. No one wants someone who has to pretend and you shouldn't want anyone that wants you to. Man up and tell her how you feel. Give her the chance to get to know you, age is irrelevant when feelings are involved i know from experience my significant other is 19 year older than me and we are madly in love. On a day off ask her to the park or something so you can have a chance to sit down and talk. That way you can see past her looks and actually determine if she is right for you. If y'all mesh than age shouldn't matter