I am trying to download PHP5 mySQL Apache server but getting confused on which link it is?


New Member
can someone help me please?<br />
<br />
http//www.php.net/downloads.php<br />
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http//dev.mysql.com/downloads/<br />
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http//httpd.apache.org/download.cgi<br />
<br />
ready to start learning PHP or at least i was until it said to download all that.<br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
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New Member
Don't go to those sites follow my lead )

search google for 'Easy PHP' itsa program that will make your computer into a php server which makes it easy to test your code etc, because if your new to it, you will have some difficulty setting those ones up.

Good resources are

http//www.w3schools.com (down the sides are all the languages they teach for free

http//www.hotscripts.com is good too


New Member
You need the whole lot of it, but that isn't by any means the "easy" way of doing things. XAMPP is free software that will set all of that up for you with one easy download.


Download it there...the learning curve is there, but not nearly what it is for what you were trying to do. Be sure to read all of the documentation. Also, if you're really ready to start learning PHP, you should also have a book or two on SQL as well. Best of luck.


New Member
Do NOT listen to these "easy" applications. Keep on the same path you are going on!


That's a post I wrote about a year ago, and though the information may have changed a little it's still valuable.

For PHP you want the .zip version (much easier to use)

For MySQL you want the .msi version (much easier to use)

For Apache you want http//www.axint.net/apache/httpd/binaries/win32/apache_2.0.63-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi

First install Apache, then read the install.txt file that comes with your PHP .zip file. You will gain a LOT of experience and knowledge doing it the way you are. Ask those other posters to configure the httpd.conf file and they will probably stare at you like a deer caught in a headlight.

I have always outspoken about the "easy" configuration options out there. I think that knowledge is a powerful thing and what does those programs teach yo? Nothing, except how to click buttons.

Have fun and e-mail me if you run into any problems! I am here to help.


New Member
Try apachefriends.org -- look for xampp. It is a way easier method to do what you are trying to do. It downloads and installs all those pieces that you need. It will set up the whole thing for you, and handles a lot of the annoying configuration files that have to be in the right spot with the right environment variables and so on. If your main goal is to learn PHP, go the xampp route so you don't get hung up in installation and configuration messes. You can learn the install and configure thing later if you want to.....