I am being offered a job in Oman for 1300 OR in the govt health care sector + accommodation?


New Member
1. Is that enough for a family of 3 with 1 school going kid?<br />
2. Can i expect some savings with once a week eating out + some entertainment<br />
3. How well can we live on that?<br />
The salary is good if you are given an accommodation. These days getting an accommodation is difficult and i suggest that you confirm the same and where they are giving it.

Once your house is taken care of the other costs are not that high. The Indian school is not very expensive and it would cost you not more than 30-50 RO/ month incl transportation cost.

Eating out is abt RO 5-10 /family and is not very expensive. The movie tkts are also not expensive and cost around RO 1.5-2/tkt.

Grocery and other costs would not be more than RO 100-150 /month. Elec and water would be around RO 30-40. Petrol is very cheap and cost RO 0.120/lt (thats around Rs 13).

Its a decent salary and Oman is a good place to live and close to India so go ahead and have a good time.