HTML/PHP Survey not passing to MySQL database properly


New Member
I'm trying to make a small survey that populates the selections for the dropdown menu from a list of names from a database. The survey does this properly. I want to submit the quote the user submits with this name into a quote database. The quote text they enter into the field goes in properly, however, the name selected from the menu does not get passed in. Instead I get a blank name field.I understand some of my code is out of context, but the name is the only thing that does not get passed in properly. On form submit, I include the php file that submits this data to the database:\[code\]<form action="<?php $name = $_POST['name']; include "formsubmit.php";?>" method="post"> <label> <br />What did they say?: <br /> <textarea name="quotetext" rows="10" cols="26"></textarea></label> <input type="submit" value="!" /></form>\[/code\]The variable $name comes from this (which populates my dropdown menu):\[code\]echo "<select name='name'>"; while ($temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { echo "<option>".htmlspecialchars($temp['name'])."</option>"; } echo "</select>";\[/code\]And here is my formsubmit.php:\[code\]<?php: mysql_select_db('quotes'); if (isset($_POST['quotetext'])) { $quotetext = $_POST['quotetext']; $ident = 'yankees'; $sql = "INSERT INTO quote SET quotetext='$quotetext', nametext='$name', ident='$ident', quotedate=CURDATE()"; header("Location: quotes.php"); if (@mysql_query($sql)) { } else { echo '<p> Error adding quote: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>'; } }?>\[/code\]