HTML - dynamic select boxes based on previous choice


New Member
I want to have on my site a single \[code\]select\[/code\] box that will then populate new \[code\]select\[/code\] boxes depending on what is chosen.Say, if the user chooses "cat", then a new \[code\]select\[/code\] box will appear with breeds of cats, or if they choose "dog", then a new \[code\]select\[/code\] box will appear with a list of breeds of dogs. But before they choose either "dog" or "cat", then the second box will not exist.Is there any way I can do this with CSS/HTML only, or do I HAVE to use javascript?If I can do it with CSS/HTML only, please provide an example or link. If I have to use javascript, I do not need an example, just to be told that I have to use it.Thank you for any help.