How to play multiple files in a folder with VoiceXML?


New Member
For a specific project, I am trying to write a voicexml file to play out some audio files. I have no problem about playing an file. But I need some directions for playing multiple files in a folder. I know I have to use ecmascript and tag to do this. But I can't figure out how to access a folder to play the specific wav files.Here is my code to play 1 audio file:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <vxml version="2.1" xmlns="" xml:base="file://"><var name="repeat" expr="session.user.repeat"/><form id="loopblock"> <block> <if cond="repeat > 0"> <prompt> <audio src="file://provisioned/music.wav"/> </prompt> <assign name="repeat" expr="repeat - 1"/> <goto next="#loopblock"/> </if> <disconnect/> </block></form></vxml>\[/code\]I have a folder which includes different .wav files.
  • /provisioned/music/a.wav
  • /provisioned/music/b.wav
  • /provisioned/music/c.wav
How can I play all of them without calling them one by one because anyone can customize this wav file. All I need to scan the folder and play them out with VoiceXML.I'd be appreciated for any suggestion.