How to make profile fields...

Which page displays this option?
This controls what page the profile field is displayed on. Most likely you want to leave this on "Edit Your Details" but if you wish to create your own user options that can be manipulated via template conditionals then select "Options". This field will then appear on the "Options" page of the User CP. Also, this field will not appear when viewing a user's profile.

As mentioned, you can use template conditionals to add additional options for your users. For example, you can make this profile field a "one option" check box field under one of the "Options" categories. You can then use the field as a conditional to display something in your postbit template. If the "Name" of this profile field is field1 then you can use this code in your postbit template:

<if condition="$post['field1']">
code to display if the user has checked the profile field
The green code in the middle will only be displayed if the user has checked the profile field in their options.
beastietommy said:
sorry am a newbie with vbulletin and wondered. Can you put the exact paths where i can find each of these things.
AdminCP > User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field.
I created and is showing the text bit but not the field title.

I have entered:

<if condition="$post['field6']"><div class="profile_info">$vbphrase[Car]: $post[field6]</div></if>

into the posbit template but it is not showing the Car: before the box.
beastietommy said:
Yeah all fixed thanks you want the code?

Yeh please mate if you could tell me exactly what you done that would be great.

I run a car forum also, and want custom profile fields to show in the postbit also. (Preferably a link in the postbit, linking to the members garage (Im using VBGarage).

Cheers bud