how to integrate facebook login with your website?


New Member
I made some research and i can't seem to completely undestand how to integrate facebook login with your website.I'm trying to do this for an old fashioned php shop that, up till now, doesn't use any type of login, but only a session that allows users to browse across pages and add items to cart.I read here, on stackoverflow, that you need a table in your database to keep the user's email address and facebook_id. So after that i can hook up with other tables in my db in order to provide info and much more to each user?Are there other ways to easily integrate your website with facebook&google accounts? I read something about OpenID, but didn't really understand what's its use :)So that's why i'm asking you guys to put me on track :). I'm really new with this and any advice, best practices etc.will be greatly appreciated!Thanks!