How to handle ampersands in URL parameters?

I am having the following issue:I am using an application that allows users to concatenate text to build a URL that passes parameters to an ASP page via GET method, i.e. something like:\[code\]http://myhostname/process.asp?param1=value1&param2=value2\[/code\]Problem is value1 and value2 can contain the ampersand symbol, which is not interpreted as a text character.The most popular solution to this issue is to encode the URL, which is not an option for me because I cannot modify the program that builds the URL. I can modify the process.asp page, but not the program that concatenates the text fields and builds the URL.Things I've tried to search for are:** How to encode a URL using javascript directly in the browser** How to change IIS default behaviour when reading an &** Alternative ways to pass parameters, i.e. something like passing them as a single string of characters separated with pipes Hope you can give me some guidance.Thank you in advance.