how to get google to reindex our site?


New Member
It seems that google indexed our site on Thursday not long after it went live. On Saturday we changed our urls slightly (from index.shtml to index.html for example) for the whole site. The indexing process cached the .shtml versions and now those are counted as broken links so our site does not come up as a result in any searches unless you search with the entire url. Any suggestions? Can I get google to reindex the site in a short period of time?Indexing will take time. The same thing happened with my website also. I have changed little bit in my website and now my website is coming in 2nd page .I think you should remove those URL using Google url removal tool and resubmit your sitemap at Google, try to get as many as backlinks you can so that your sitet gets crawl frequently.Strong back links and it will happen within a week; alternatively you can pay for the pleasure.same thing happened to me :[Just wait as bots crawled your site. It takes time but if you do link building...surely this will come up again.i am too having the same problem with one of my site ...and i have started getting backlinks more and more for the same ... but still not indexed again.timod wrote:harrysmith wrote:Just try to get more backlinks from related site specially from high PR sites.Just a little wait......nothing else.It takes time to get index on google and get more backlinks for the site. Just we patience and wait for that true? you can remove indexed page? how come?Here's a good article on the importance of backlinks. KolasinskiAlso you can updae your XML sitemap and resubmit it to google .......