How to code a product for vbb 3.8


New Member
hi everybody!

I want to learn to code a product for vbb 3.8 ! what should i start ?

(Structure of a product ...)

pls teach me ! thanks a lot

PS. Sorry my English :D
The easiest way to learn how to code a product is to download one of the better ones and check out the product_something.xml file. It contains everything you need to learn to create your own products.
Thank bluescorpion, i do it now ..


how to know exactly the date ? it not as simple date dd/mm/yy ?
that is a unix timestamp, it is the number of second from january 1, 1970... LOL No, its not a regular date but it can be converted. You can find web pages that will convert the current time to a unix timestamp or run a little PHP script to do it. Check out the microtime() in PHP, it will return a Unix time stamp ...