how accurate is alexa? I look at some sites and think wow they must get millions of hits a month, one of my sites gets over 500,000 reloads a month and around 120thousand unique a month yet were still ranked around 90th thousand, can somebody give me an idea how many hits top 10,000 sites are probably pushing and any inf which may enlighten me
much appreciate, thanks
what is your site called ? aaah cheers john is the site uer you see alexa is fudged and im new to the seo scene and just find it really odd how they rank stuff with no real word on how they try rank things. has quite fudged my perspective up on the net is there anythign else similar to alexa which measures a site or any guidlines or watever to go by at all does anyone know? something along lines of alexa. im guesisng not but worth a ask isnt it
In my opinion alexa is worth nothing. There ranks are easly cheated and its pointless. I hate alexa dont worry about your rank!
much appreciate, thanks
what is your site called ? aaah cheers john is the site uer you see alexa is fudged and im new to the seo scene and just find it really odd how they rank stuff with no real word on how they try rank things. has quite fudged my perspective up on the net is there anythign else similar to alexa which measures a site or any guidlines or watever to go by at all does anyone know? something along lines of alexa. im guesisng not but worth a ask isnt it