Hosting site went under, how do I get my domain back???


New Member
A year ago, I paid for 2 years of hosting through a site. My website was up for about 6 months and then it went down.<br />
I learned the hosting company folded. Now, when I look, my domain name won't be available until June 2009. <br />
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I've tried emailing the hosting company and calling the number they had. (phone number was dead). They went completely under, nothing works. In fact their doman is for sale.<br />
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The hosting site was A1HOST4U.COM<br />
Never buy a domain with a hosting package for this very reason. Always go through a better known domain seller such as 1and1 or Godaddy. Finding cheap and reliable hosting is always the hardest part of setting up a website - having your domain controlled by a third party makes it less stressful when you need to switch the hosting quickly.

But to the task at hand - I'm not going to ask what your domain was since you probably don't want to broadcast it if you want any chance of getting it back but if you go to
http// - if its a domain
and enter your old domain it will bring back some details from the whois database. The important thing to note is whether or not any of YOUR personal details are registered to the domain, or just A1Hosting... if your name is up there you may have a better chance.

Secondly, do you have a reciept for the purchase of the domain - or is the purchase of the domain included on the reciept for your hosting package?

It might be that as part of the package A1hosting actually owns the domain and not you - so at this point you may have to accept defeat.

If things are looking good at this point, its time to contact ICANN for more advice since im not entirely sure myself. Relay all the relevant information, proof of purchase and ask if there is anything that can be done to transfer the domain to an account with a different registrar (such as godaddy). If the domain appears to be lost, you could also ask that if, as a result of A1hosting going bust - the domain can be released early so that you could buy it again.

(thats assuming its a top level domain - you'd have to contact nominet instead if its a UK domain, unsure about other country codes).

hope this helps.

edit I'd be interested to hear their response and whether or not you are successful in this - If you could post it as a comment if this question expires I'd appreciate it.
As an experienced webmaster I recommend BlueHost service which I?m sure it would work for you and fulfill all your requirements. They have a really great offer for hosting & I have used them for over 3 yrs now, and have never had a single problem with them.

They offer a Full-featured service only $6.95 a month. You can see their Plan Details accompanied with reliable reviews regarding their service at

Here I have copied and pasted its features from their website to view

- Free Domain Forever
- Unlimited Space
- Unlimited Transfer
- Host UNLIMITED Domains (Support All Domain Names)
- 2,500 POP/Imap Email Accounts
- SSH (Secure Shell), SSL, FTP, Stats
- CGI, Ruby (RoR), Perl, PHP, MySQL
- 2000/2002 Front Page Extensions
- Free Site Builder
- 24/7 Superb/Responsive Sales/Support
- Free Search Engine Submission

* This service was awarded ?The Best Web Host OF 2008?.
* If you sign up for this service you will have $100 credits to advertise your website with the google & yahoo search engines for free!
* You Can Register A Free Domain or Use Your Existing Domains. They Support All Domain Names.

Good Luck!
Contact your webhosting company A1HOST4U.COM. I am using lunarpages webhosting for my e-commerce website
