Host problem


I should probably put this in a different forum but this looked like the right area. I want to be sure I am not doing something wrong before I send a flaming email to the hosting provider.

I was recently contracted to rebuild a site. The site is hosted by a smallish local provider free of charge to the client. (some trade off in the past) It is hosted on a Windows server, NT or 2000. This provider had built the original site. (Greasy piece of SPAM that it was) I contacted the hosting provider and let him know that I was redevloping the site and to please set me up with FTP acces. He confirmed with the client and sent me a user name and password.

I FTP'd to the site and created a test directory and started building and installing pages in the test directory. The clien has approved the site and asked that I make it live. I went to move all of the old pages and images to a new directory I created (Just in case) and the files would not be moved. 550 Access Denied. They could not be deleted. 550 Access Denied. They could not be overwritten. 550 Access Denied.

Is this a configuration error on their end or am I doing something wrong? I have never used a NT host before.

One would think that when you set up access for the NEW webmaster you would give him total access to the site.Was the new directory on a different part of the server? It sounds like you don't have write rights in that dir.