Hide “Separator” in XML View - OpenErp


New Member
I need to hide a "Separator" and all it's child items (trees, fields, buttons, etc), i'm stuck and don't know how to achieve this\[code\]<separator string="Quotations" /> <field name="purchase_ids" readonly="1"> <tree string="Purchase Order"> <field name="name" string="Reference"/> <field name="date_order" string="Order Date"/> <field name="partner_id"/> <field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company" widget="selection"/> <field name="location_id" groups="stock.group_locations"/> <field name="minimum_planned_date"/> <field name="origin"/> <field name="state"/> <button name="purchase_cancel" states="draft,confirmed,wait_auth" string="Cancel Purchase Order" icon="gtk-cancel"/> <button name="purchase_confirm" states="draft" string="Confirm Purchase Order" icon="gtk-apply"/> <button name="purchase_approve" states="confirmed" string="Approved by Supplier" icon="gtk-ok"/> </tree> </field>\[/code\]If anybody could help, would be very appreciated, thank you very much in advance!