Help me pass class!!! plz


New Member
I know i havent been arround allot lately, ive been fucking bussy balencing a job and studying that i havent had much time to come online at all. Anyway I need to hand in this wanker bullshit assignment by tomorow morning, i was suppose to walk up to people on the street and harras them to fill in my question form.... Yeah, not gonna happen. Please guys, i've got 12 hours left and I need atleast 10 valid filled awnser sheets. The topic is wack but if you could help me out on this one I would much dearly apreciate it.

Here it goes :
Age : ___
Age of partner :___
Level of education :___
Gender :___
Gender of partner : ___
Race : ___
Race of partner : ___

1.) How long have you known eachother?

2.) For how long were you friends before things started to become serious?

3.) Do you know eachothers' family history?

4.) Do you live together?

5.A) If no, why not? OR

5.B) If yes, please awnser the following questions :
  • What made you decide to move in together?
  • How long did u know eachother before making this decision?
  • Do you think it's morally acceptable to live together?
  • Do you have a sexual relationship with your partner?
  • Does it make you feel safer or guiltier to live together?
  • Do you beleive that living together before marriage is a good way to see wether things will work out for marriage?
  • Did your upbringing and education have any influence on the matter?
  • Are you planning on marrying your partner?
  • Is living together without being married right or wrong in your opinion?
  • Do you think you really respect your partner and his/her feelings in a relationship where you live together?

In return, caek!

(Caek is not lie)
Sure why not.

Age : 18
Age of partner : 17
Level of education : In last year of High School
Gender : Male
Gender of partner : Female
Race : Caucasian
Race of partner : Caucasian

1.) How long have you known eachother? 2 Years.

2.) For how long were you friends before things started to become serious? A month or two.

3.) Do you know eachothers' family history? Yes.

4.) Do you live together? No.

5.A) If no, why not? Still in school and live with parents.
Age : 18
Age of partner :18
Level of education : First year studying political science
Gender : Male
Gender of partner : Female
Race : Albanian
Race of partner : Albanian

1.) How long have you known eachother?
2 years.

2.) For how long were you friends before things started to become serious?
7 months.

3.) Do you know eachothers' family history?

4.) Do you live together?

5.A) If no, why not? OR
5.B) If yes, please awnser the following questions :

What made you decide to move in together?
She's is studying the same like me, so we moved together,to help each other with the studies.

How long did u know eachother before making this decision?
7 months.

Do you think it's morally acceptable to live together?
In my age, I think it's not. But I'm in love with her, so, who cares.

Do you have a sexual relationship with your partner?

Does it make you feel safer or guiltier to live together?
Living together makes a relationship more liable, but it helps you to find out if the person who you love is the right one, and really loves you.

Do you beleive that living together before marriage is a good way to see wether things will work out for marriage?

Did your upbringing and education have any influence on the matter?

Are you planning on marrying your partner?
If things will go in the future like they're going now, yes.

Is living together without being married right or wrong in your opinion?
The point is being with the person who you love, being married or not, it's all same to me.

Do you think you really respect your partner and his/her feelings in a relationship where you live together?
Age : 17
Age of partner :_16
Level of education :_high school
Gender :_male
Gender of partner : female
Race : white?
Race of partner : white

1.) How long have you known eachother?
about 2 years

2.) For how long were you friends before things started to become serious?
3-4 weeks

3.) Do you know eachothers' family history?

4.) Do you live together?
pretty much. but no

5.A) If no, why not? OR
because she has her home and i have mine,

:D cake!!!
Age : 19
Age of partner : 20
Level of education : A+ N+
Gender : Male
Gender of partner : Female
Race : NZ European
Race of partner : NZ European

1.) How long have you known each other?
5 years.

2.) For how long were you friends before things started to become serious?:
2 years.

3.) Do you know each others family history?

4.) Do you live together?

What made you decide to move in together?
It was time to live life together.

How long did u know each other before making this decision?
5 Years.

Do you think it's morally acceptable to live together?

Do you have a sexual relationship with your partner?
Waiting till the time is right.

Does it make you feel safer or guiltier to live together?

Do you believe that living together before marriage is a good way to see
whether things will work out for marriage?

Did your upbringing and education have any influence on the matter?

Are you planning on marrying your partner?

Is living together without being married right or wrong in your opinion?
Can be both.

Do you think you really respect your partner and his/her feelings in a relationship where you live together?