HELP ME! Google drop my site indexing sudenlly


New Member
Google drop my site listing sudenlly, last 3 - 4 days back my site indexing in top 5 by following keywords> call centers india> call centers in india> call center india> call center in india> offshore call centers> outsource call centersand many many moreBut sudenlly google drop my site indexing now my site not show me in top 30 result, I beated the our site compititors but now google showing me past 2 month indexing our compititor have same position, anybody tell me what the wrong with google indexing and how i can improve my site indexig. Is google change it indexing algoritham and what the current algoritham of google.HELP ME OUT!Yeah over the last few months Googles algorithms have changed a good deal. If you want to get on top for those terms I recommend you first provide much useful content on those topics on your site. Secondly I would make sure that you submit to directories like DMOZ and others, and try to get people linking you so that you establish a higher pagerank. By doing that you should get on top for those keywords. Those terms do not look that competitive.BigwebmasterI have allready did, recently I changed my site and make it search engine friendly, my three site already indexing in google past 6 - 7 month, now i promoting my new site its was showing very good result 3 - 4 days back. My new site much more relavent to search engine against to my last site if you want you can anlysis my site http://www.callcentersindia.comI am waiting your reply and anlyzing reportAlso bare in mind that if you use the same word twice in your meta tags, most of them will class this a spamming and will effect your position, and I notice that you are using the word "Call" 6 times in what you have posted above the word "Call" should only be used once Hope this helpsrichxone wrote:I would like to say do not worry but i have the same problems like you, my site backlinksand pr's doesnt updated in these months and now google shows my 1 month ago content for 2 days, and lowers my ranks.some of the experienced webmasters told that , it may correct that syncs but i am not sure and really worry about that becouse google looks like to not to care new sites until they find a way to get pr of 4 .I have over 40 sites that i had design over 4 years , most of them aer pr4 or over and does not have those problems.Just my own service web site is brand new - 1 year old and haves hell of google problems.Two days? Google showed my original content for a week or two, then updated to my new work which had been on the url waiting to be respidered for God knows how long, finally indexed it and then reverted back Saturday night. Let's see, this is Tuesday. I'd gladly settle for two days at this point. (Oops, there I go ranting again.) I think the search engines have figured out yet another way to make money off the internet for awhile. You either pay the big bucks from the start for guaranteed inclusion, or you get treated like a second class citizen until they're darn good and ready to look at you. The bottom line is, you get what you pay for. The search engines are all competing for relative content, yet I wonder how much relative content they actually lose just because they cant figure out a way to make money off it.You can use the word more than once in the description and keyword tags, it actually helps for engines such as MSN. With Google, I have had no problems, except I wouldn't recommend using your keyword more than 1 time in the title.Thanks, Im relieved. I think I have my keywords right where they need to be, Im just waiting for google to re-index. and waiting and waiting and waiting. And also with your title, make sure you have the most important word/phrase in the beginning as it takes the most importance. One of your page's titles starts with the phrase 'products', maybe change it to computer products instead.Also, do you have H1 tags? There are very important for your headings. These headings should also have some of the same words as in your title, but do not over do it.Just some more of my opinion ranting...good luck!Oh, dont get me wrong, I appreciate your opinion ranting and that you checked out my site. I tried adding a h1 heading, but it seemed to do something to the page banner graphic Im using. I dont know that much about it, so I left it alone.Okay, I took care of that issue, the page title is now at the end of each title tag. Thanks.Page title supposed to reflect exact topic of the page's content. It should be short, unique, concise and substantional, and containing the most important keywords/phrases of the page. I wouldn't worry about single words redundancy if it reads fine - makes sense and dosen't look abusive.For example: Phoenix Arizona Real Estate, luxury properties - single family homes and condos.Well its of the top of my head, may be some of you can come up with a better example, but on my opinion this title has the most important keywords that also could be read as keyphrases (you can move words around) + you avoid keyword redundancy.You can make you title as: Phoenix Real Estate - Phoenix Arizona Homes.This wouldn't hurt either.Make sure everything you write describes you page topic and make sense to other people.Hey dolay...I ran a check on your site here's what I found:1: Page content and tags are good2: Your site was crawled on March 9th 20043: Most of your backlinks have session will most likely not crawl these urls.4: Links that don't have session ids don't have any PR or they have very low PR. Google will not list these as backlinks5: One of your links is on a page that redirects, another one loads a blank page6: You are #65 for "CHEAP AFFORDABLE WEB HOSTING SERVICE " in google. Not bad considering your PR is 1 and that's a pretty competitive phrase.To verify this go to and enter you url. When the results load click on the link count under Intomki. This will show you all the pages that link back to your site....regardless of PR...that's only a google thing.If your focusing on PR I'd suggest downloading the google toolbar. Then you can see the ranking of the page you are linked from.Great research. The only thing is that I wouldn't use that phrase as the one you should try to rank high for. Using wordtracker and overture, that phrase is never searched for. If that is in your title I am guessing your trying to go for either "cheap web hosting service" or "affordable web hosting service" as each one of these individually is searched quite often.I agree with vetofunk on the search term. It's not likely someone will search on that exact string. To clarify #6 above - By having the words "Web Hosting" in the search term is going to make it very competitive. Not to mention most of those site developers have a good grasp on SEO.