[GYSN] vBulletin.v3.7.0.Beta.5.PHP.NULLIFIED

sabian said:
Fair enough... Everyone has their favourites...

Personally, if it isn't GYSN, DGT, or WST, I don't install it.... Full stop.

But, I give those three the same credibility where as MST and iAG can, frankly, disappear and I wouldn't think twice! :)

yup i made the mistake by using some dodgy ones of katz but i learned from that never to bother with dodgy stuff.. dodgy ones have callbacks and the tools.php will usually require customer details lmao.. once that callback is made within a certain X amount of time the ogs will be read and followed up.

clever gits these people!

spinifex said:
yup i made the mistake by using some dodgy ones of katz but i learned from that never to bother with dodgy stuff.. dodgy ones have callbacks and the tools.php will usually require customer details lmao.. once that callback is made within a certain X amount of time the ogs will be read and followed up.

clever gits these people!

I do not understand °_°
However to the end, who is the best one than all? That one that can be used without problems?
There is no such thing as 100% safe since there is always a chance you'll get found no matter what release you use. Not to mention that those that null scripts are only human and sometimes, they make mistakes.

If you are going to use nulled scripts and make them public accessible, then you have to assume that you will be at a certain amount of risk because you are doing something 'wrong'... It's just like downloading a movie from a torrent site, chances are slim that you'll get into trouble however you have to acknowledge the chance that that MPAA may take a bit of notice of your IP address and pay you a visit.

As I said before in terms of who's best in the nulling scene... Everyone will have their own answers and favourites, however I think that WST/DGT/GYSN are the best out there and will be the only releases I put on a webserver because those are the groups *I* trust.

A lot of people like MST but that's because MST doesn't have a 'great' deal of quality control as to who is their members and they are known for stealing other groups' work and rebranding it their own. For this reason, I will never use them.

Making a long post short, the simple answer is there is no 100% perfect nulling group... But there are those that are better than others.
going from experience GYSN is safe so far.. callbacks removed and hasnt let me down so far.

1 thing ive never understood is why people use keygen versions lol???

spinifex said:
1 thing ive never understood is why people use keygen versions lol???

The reason is because it writes a Licence No. to the commented code in the header of all your php files just like what occurs when you download a legitimate version from vBulletin.

If someone snoops around in the files on your server like your host, a developer etc it will look perfectly legitimate. If you are confident nobody will FTP to your server, and your host doesn't care just go nulled, however if you want that extra layer of security get the keygen.

Both are nulled just the same and all callbacks removed, but the keygen also writes "vBulletin 3.7.0 - Licence Number VBAKF0QM0L" (Lic No depends on your URL) in to the header above the vBulletin copyright info of all your files.

That's the only difference. Hope people understand and can make the right decision on what version to install.
i get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function vbrand() in /home/illegalw/public_html/includes/class_core.php on line 2857

Any help?

Also when i try to upgrade i get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function exec_header_redirect() in /home/illegalw/public_html/install/upgrade.php on line 441