Grand Theft Auto IV - PC


New Member
Finally here, on my PC :) I even bought an original one (a first original game in my life) :D

Score -> 9.8/10 (some errors need to be repaired..)
I did the same thing on the xbox. I owned a pirated copy 2 weeks before it came out & STILL waiting in line for launch night with a buddy & bought a copy. Needless to say, this is the ONLY GTA I never finished because I got bored. Saints row 2 was much more entertaining to me & I didn't really like the first one.

Oh well.

Maybe I should give the PC version a shot.
I give a 7/10
In order to play it well you need a high end dual core or a quad core plus an 9800GT or higher to make it run nice. Basically a 500+ dollar comp.

I have one but many people can't afford one. It is like Guitar hero 3 for the PC. Terrible port.
Ah, good old GTA games. I love all the games in the series. Especially GTA San Andreas. In San Andreas you can fly aeroplanes, have jetpacks and much more, and I think it's better than GTA IV though.

GTA IV Graphics + GTA SA features = best GTA game ever.
timone5666 said:
I give a 7/10
In order to play it well you need a high end dual core or a quad core plus an 9800GT or higher to make it run nice. Basically a 500+ dollar comp.

I have one but many people can't afford one. It is like Guitar hero 3 for the PC. Terrible port.

Yeh just buy a 360 thats a saving.
Just played the copy of GTA IV on my hacked xbox :D.

I didn't like GTA IV. San Andres was much better. So I didn't download it. As I heard of the PC specifications the game died for me.

But .v0id what do you have for a machine from hell to play the game? :D
cor3y said:
Just played the copy of GTA IV on my hacked xbox :D.

I didn't like GTA IV. San Andres was much better. So I didn't download it. As I heard of the PC specifications the game died for me.

But .v0id what do you have for a machine from hell to play the game? :D
an o/c 4.00 GHz c2d, 4GB @ 800MHz, Radeon HD 4870 1GB
cor3y said:
Just played the copy of GTA IV on my hacked xbox :D.

I didn't like GTA IV. San Andres was much better. So I didn't download it. As I heard of the PC specifications the game died for me.

But .v0id what do you have for a machine from hell to play the game? :D

If your computer can play games like crises or oblivion, you will have no problems with GTA...
gagagag, I never have an original games or software in my live...:) I always get the pirated version:)

How about with PC Core2Duo 3.0, RAM 2GB 800MHz, Geforce 9600 GT, are there can run well???
Gh0st said:
Ah, good old GTA games. I love all the games in the series. Especially GTA San Andreas. In San Andreas you can fly aeroplanes, have jetpacks and much more, and I think it's better than GTA IV though.

GTA IV Graphics + GTA SA features = best GTA game ever.
You re right about this
I play GTA IV all the time. I bought a downloaded copy off of steam. I think it's on sale now for $34.99. I just recently upgraded my system so I could fully enjoy the game.

Before I had an AMD Athlon x2 5200+, 2GB ram and a Nvidia 9800GT and the game ran pretty good. I noticed the game would lag out during intense police chases, probably due to only 2gb of ram. Now that I updgraded to an AMD Phenom X4 920 and 4gb of ram the game loads alot faster, and it doesn't lag out during police chases. Also, rockstar has released a patch to fix some of the gliches with the game.
GgAcE said:
If your computer can play games like crises or oblivion, you will have no problems with GTA...

Not necessarily on Oblivion. I could play it at full detail at 40 fps on an Ati radeion x1950 pro. And played crysis on low settings at 22fps. And even my gtx 260 doesnt go to very high settings on crysis.
well crysis n cod5 runs smooth then no prob with gta4 ... . . . . . nvidia 9series gpus are preferred for compatible physX effects... even 8600gt runs game smooth on low fps...
I would give it a 9/10 it just did not have the feel of GTA to it. No paramedic missions, no Taxi missions after what happened to Roman. Games from Rockstar and valve are the only ones I actually buy.