Google Chrome

mammu said:
Its faster than firefox!
But still no plugins like java. :(

The Chrome browser includes a more powerful JavaScript engine, V8, for the next generation of web applications that aren't even possible in today's browsers. It's all r built in.
its nothing next to Firefox such a stupid design and plus no status bar that is visible all time boring its light and fast but not like FireFOx
the whole truth, the world is mine..

  • Search Engine > Google
  • Web Browser > Google Chrome
  • Operating System > Google OS
  • Cars and Aircrafts > Google Scout
  • World > Google World
  • Godhead > Google God

man proposes, google disposes.
Fucking shit. Ugly. Missing the WYSIWYG editor as well as some nice effects on the drop downs.

Had to repair some random bug on my board which took 1 hour because of it.

It is only a BETA though.
chaotic_geo said:
Fucking shit. Ugly. Missing the WYSIWYG editor as well as some nice effects on the drop downs.

Safari and opera also lack wysiwyg on vB, this doesn't mean that they are shitty browsers.
vB staff will let Opera (and probably chrome) use vB wysiwyg editor in the near future.
Looks cool but not friendly like firefox. executes javascripts faster but has already been exploited the first day itself
Google chrome is a web browser which with different features. It maid by Google which specially to increase well security of computer system and users data from hackers. It has well features which improve need of users.
Google create a web browser which known as Google chrome. It is very simple but most useful internet browser. It create good effects of security and speed. It has all ultimate features which increase well popularity in users.
I also used Chrome, although its very fast than firefox but its not so much user friendly like FF. This is the reason that i always use FF.
Google chrome is one type of browser. It is one of the best browser. If you want to internet access then you can not use internet without browser. There are many browser available but Google Chrome is best compare to other browser.