Good Movie Themes????

My best friend and I always have a sleepover on Friday nights where we rent a bunch of movies all under the same category. Some examples are Dinosaur movies, Superhero movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jane Austen themed movies, Barbie Movies (just to make fun of it), etc. We have done tons of themes, but we are running out! please give me some examples and movies we could rent! =D<br />
The Shadow (1994)
The Phantom (1996)
Flash Gordon (1980)
The Rocketeer (1991)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
Big Trouble in Little China

FANTASY Begins with "L"!
Classic Disney - Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Parent Trap

Beach night - Gidget, Beach Blanket Bingo, etc

Sports night - League of Their Own, The Replacements, Hoosiers, Jerry McGuire (sp?)

Mel Brooks night - Blazing Saddles, History of the World Pt 1, Men in Tights, Spaceballs, The Producers, Young Frankenstein

"Animal" Story- A Fish Called Wanda, The Truth about Cats & Dogs, Must Love Dogs

John Hughes Night - 16 Candles, Breakfast club, Ferris Bueller, pretty in Pink

Divinely inpsired - Oh God, Bruce (or Evan) Almighty, City of Angels

Wedding night - Wedding Singer, My Best Friend's Wedding, Muriel's Wedding, The Bachelor (the movie, not the tv show)

Unintential royals The Prince & Me, Princess Diaries, Little Lord Fauntleroy
John Hughes Night
Divinely inpsired
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen