Getting Notice: Undefined Index: id


New Member
I'm making a forum software right now, just for some practice, and I'm getting this error when displaying the forums of the site.This is my current start to it. It works, it just gives me this error:Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\forum\forums.php on line 15\[code\]<?phpinclude_once("connect.php");mysql_select_db("forums");$find = "SELECT ID,name,description FROM forums"; $run_find = mysql_query("$find");while($is = mysql_fetch_assoc ($run_find)) {$id = $is['id'];$name = $is['name'];$des = $is['description'];print "Forum : <a href='$id'>". $name . "</a><br/>" .$des . "";}?>\[/code\]