Getting back a domain


New Member
I have a client that I do programming for - never worked on his website - cause he already had someone else working on it. I just noticed his web site is missing and has been for some time.

It turns out the company that set up his URL and was hosting the site, went under last year after taking his money, and they never renewed his URL, which expired last fall. Also he does not have the code to recreate the web site, and is kind of cluless about what to do. [I think I have a downloaded capture of his site from a year ago - but he does not know that]

Some other company grabbed it, and it's just parked at Godaddy, they never asked him for ransom. I wondered why, since his URL is fairly unique, and he said they was a company around with a similar name - so maybe they were going to set up a web site for someone else. The URL expires in Oct 2005.

Now at this point he's lost any Google PR or search engine stuff, but there are lot of other sites still pointing at his URL, so it's worth trying to get it back.

Note that the company that has his URL registered has a few comments in some forums that they might have gone bankrupt and/or are "criminals"

1. If that company has gone bankrupt I'm assuming there is nothing to be done.

2. If they are still around, what' the best way to approach them so they would part with the name for some low sum of money, I don't want to appear too eager. Is it better for me to approach them, or for him to?