Get normal XML from div and span


New Member
I need to construct a tree from my custom xml file.For that i used this src.Here is the code: $(document).ready(function(){ LoadXML('XMLHolder',"test.xml"); }); <div class="XMLHolder" id="XMLHolder"></div>The Code above constructs a tree in XMLHolder by using 'div' and 'span'. :test.xml:"<parent><child>Hello World</child></parent>"Generated tree :<div class="Element" style="position: relative; left: 15px;" id="aui_3_4_0_1_484"><span class="Clickable" id="div_content_1">-</span><span class="Utility"><</span><span class="NodeName" id="aui_3_4_0_1_483">parent</span><span class="Utility">></span><br><div class="Element" style="position: relative; left: 15px; display: none;"><span class="Clickable" id="div_empty_2">+</span><span class="Utility"><</span><span class="NodeName">child</span><span class="Utility">> </</span><span class="NodeName">child</span><span class="Utility">></span></div><div class="Element" style="position: relative; left: 15px;"><span class="Clickable" id="div_content_2">-</span><span class="Utility"><</span><span class="NodeName">child</span><span class="Utility">></span><br><div style="position: relative; left: 15px;"><span class="NodeValue" title="Doubleclick to edit...">Hello World</span></div><span class="Utility"> </</span><span class="NodeName">child</span><span class="Utility">></span></div><span class="Utility"> </</span><span class="NodeName">parent</span><span class="Utility">></span></div>Now, i want to convert the html code back to normal xml document.I tried to use StringHere is the code://Gets string value of edited entity function getAllValues() { var str=""; var check=0; $('.XMLHolder span').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr("id"); if (typeof id !== 'undefined' && id !== false){ if ($(this).attr("id").indexOf("empty")>0){ check=1; } if ($(this).attr("id").indexOf("content")>0){ check=0; } } if (check==0){ var type2 = $(this).attr("class"); if (type2 != "Clickable") { str = str + $(this).text(); } } });// alert(str); }, but my xml data can be so large, bigger than String. Is there any other way to get XML from HTML ??