Hello all, <BR><BR>I'm having trouble getting the value of a radio button that is within a datagrid. I'm defining my radio button within the data grid <columns> like so ...<BR><BR><asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Select A Set"><BR><ItemTemplate><BR> <asp:RadioButton id="selTempID" Value=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "templateSetID")%> GroupName="RadioGroup1" runat="server"/><BR></ItemTemplate><BR></asp:TemplateColumn><BR><BR>At the bottom of the datagrid I have a button ...<BR><BR><asp:Button id="btnSubmit" Text="Save & Continue" OnClick="saveForm" runat="server"/><BR><BR>And then in the script I have the event "saveForm" ...<BR><BR>Public Sub saveForm(Sender as Object, e as DataGridCommandEventArgs)<BR> Try<BR> dim selTempID AS radioButton = e.Item.FindControl("Radio2")<BR> Session("site" & session.Sessionid)(3,0) = selTempID.Value<BR> 'Response.redirect("site_templatelist.aspx")<BR> Span1.InnerHtml = "selected template set = "& Session("site" & session.Sessionid)(3,0)<BR> Catch Exc As Exception<BR> End Try<BR>End Sub<BR><BR>I'm getting the following comp error ...<BR><BR>": BC30408: Method 'Public Sub saveForm(Sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs )' does not have the same signature as delegate 'Delegate Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)'."<BR><BR>Is there a better way to be doing this? <BR><BR>Any help or suggestions appreciated.<BR><BR>])ry<BR>