font problems


Staff member
i was wondering if there was a way to embed autodoanloading of a font so a website can be viewed the way it is supposed to be viewed? if there is a way to do it in html please let me know<!--content-->im just trying to see if there is a way...because nobody can see the font for is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> a website currently in beta for a MOHAA/MOHAAS clan<!--content-->in your CSS<br />
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@font-face {font-family:"name"; src:url(location)}<br />
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p{font-family:"name" . . .<!--content-->sorry to feel like a noob but ive never done this before and im using dreamweaver to create the pages...<!--content-->you guys are awsome thanks...<br />
i love this forum heh<!--content-->