extracting links as clickable links from sql table


New Member
Been at this for a while and cant figure it out so i thought id come to the ppl who know.my php / sql is so-so but.....this is what im trying to do / figure out..i have a database setup to take in messages (of any sort) and works fine. The user enters data in a field, hits send, and the message gets logged.But when a user puts in a link for example \[code\]" http://www.google.com "\[/code\]its stored in the DB just fine but when its printed back onto the page, it comes back as plaintext, what i want is that when the page throws back the message with the link in it, that the link is live and clickable.Ive googled my a$# off but im guessing im searching for the wrong thing (or im missing something unbeknownst to me. )Any tips/*direction* etc, ill gladly accept. also, I dont mind doing the work/research so if you have links only ill take those too.Thanks in advanced.