external js file as pseudo database


Staff member
I have a problem with netscape (well more than one but...) If you look at example one: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.holoholocharters.com/holonewsite/newsite/tours/index.html">http://www.holoholocharters.com/holonew ... index.html</a><!-- m --> When you click on any one of the three links(niihau, napali etc.) If you're using ie5.5+, or opera 6.05 you will have a pop-up window open and see prices and text explaining the tour. In netscape 6 It will only show you the prices. Both teh prices and the main text in the pop-up are extracted from two seperate js files. It seems that netscape will only read the first one and not the secound. Any work around for this? the js file is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.holoholocharters.com/holonewsite/newsite/java_text/tours/niihau/gen_info.js">http://www.holoholocharters.com/holonew ... en_info.js</a><!-- m --> and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.holoholocharters.com/holonewsite/newsite/java_text/tours/niihau/prices.js">http://www.holoholocharters.com/holonew ... /prices.js</a><!-- m -->

I would apreciate any help

mahalo ahinalu