Error setting up Apache Http Server Virtual Server?


New Member
I set up a virtual server at the following address with Apache<br />
http//dev.local/dev_test.php<br />
<br />
and yet when I try to access it, I get the following error<br />
Forbidden<br />
<br />
You don't have permission to access /dev_test.php on this server.<br />
<br />
Yet I can access the same file in htdocs without any difficulty. Why is this?<br />
Arug! now I only get it for php files.<br />


New Member
if you can access the SAME file using a different locater, it means your DocumentRoot isn't properly set up.

edit your httpd.conf file, and find the DocumentRoot section, and change it to whatever folder 'dev_test.php' is in. Then simply restart apache, and it should work. (assuming permissions are okay if it's on windows, they should be fine. on linux, chmod them to 755)

Let me know if you need more help.