EmoticonShack.com - Emoticons, Layouts, and Logos Business -


New Member
EmoticonShack.comDescription:EmoticonShack is a 1 month old emoticons, layouts, and logos business. It is 100% automated. All emoticons, layouts, and logos were custom made and unique to EmoticonShack. Traffic details:Below are the traffic stats:It has been advertised through various webmaster and web design forums, one of the main forums being TalkFreelance. We have also exchanged links with the following sites:Nintendo PointGSimGFXBoxed ArcadeProxy JuiceWe are also indexed in Google with quite a few backlinks. Revenue:It has made $6.00 so far for 3 banners, which will stay up until the end of the year.Price:BIN: $80.00Contact Us:MSN:Neil: neil [at] scriptshock.comElie: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->:Neil: neil [at] neilsblog.comElie: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->