Embedding an AHAH form element into a theme_table-generated table (Drupal)


New Member
I am trying to include a Drupal form element in a table I am generating with \[code\]theme_table\[/code\]/\[code\]theme('table',..)\[/code\]. Specifically, I am trying to include a submit button with an AHAH attached.Currently, I am just including as one cell in each row a call to \[code\]drupal_render\[/code\] to render my dynamically generated AHAH element. The button renders fine, but without the AHAH attached.So, my question is: is there a way to attach an AHAH to something that is just \[code\]drupal_render\[/code\]ed?If not, how else can I attach an AJAX/AHAH call to an element in a \[code\]theme_table\[/code\]-generated table? I need to allow users to perform certain actions on rows of data in the table but need the page to not refresh.TIA,