"elgooG" mirror version of Google


New Member
http://www.alltooflat.com/geeky/elgoog/horizonukr wrote:Seriously... isn't that a ground for a law suit?I mean, a big one?I'm going to email Google, right now... I'm not kidding.Well I have taken alook and what pointless.You are right to contact Google straight away as something like that can cause damages to the real Google site.If they done that to my site, I would tell them to take it down straight away or I would take legal action.I have now just looked at the results returned and you can't even read the information.That is definately damaging and the person who have come up with this should know better as they are breaking copywrite laws.OMG Stop whining!lol that's cool none the lesslol I quite like it. despite it being damaging and all!!worth seeing once, tell a friend and forget...They should also put the "make donation" part mirrored.Incredible what ppl do to get money.