earning from adsense


New Member
This is my first time earning online, I just created a travel blog with 200 blog posts and after only 4 months, without SEO, I noticed am now earning almost 300 dollars per month.
This could be true, the more blog posts you have, the better for you since Google search engine is powered by content, so once you write many of them, Google makes your site an authority in your field.
Adsense is the way to go although many people may dispute that, personally I find it to be easier than other strategies like affiliates.
Google Adsense is very good especially if you are blogging something you love, understand, and enjoy it each and every day. It will be very difficult when starting but once traffic starts coming, the money will roll in too.
I will also recommend Adsense, the tricky part is getting the content, once you can sort the issue of the content, do some small SEO at first, then once the site gets older, you can do heavy SEO.
Adsense is a useful resource to generate revenue for your website or blog, but you need to have a considerable amount of traffic to get those ads clicked and earn money.
As long as you have good content on your website, you are on the right track to earn some good money from Adsense, but a word of advice, use SEO as well, don't just write content.