dumb question?


i am a total computer retard. i have a little homepage and want to change and/or add some things but don't know html. can anyone tell me how to change a header? also how do i allow visitors to see my guestbook without submitting an entry? i know i'm what i'm supposed to type and i even know that i'm supposed to put it in the root directory, but i have no how to put it in there. can someone please help me? thanx.<!--content-->Send us a link to your little homepage. If we could see it, that would help us a lot.<!--content-->my bad. sorry.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://splatz.oregonpaintball.com/">http://splatz.oregonpaintball.com/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Change the link to the guestbook to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://splatz.oregonpaintball.com/fsguestbook.html">http://splatz.oregonpaintball.com/fsguestbook.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Right now it's <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://splatz.oregonpaintball.com/guest_book.html">http://splatz.oregonpaintball.com/guest_book.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Which is the sign page. If you can edit the guestbook at all, you might want to put a link to the signing page at the top of the message page in addition to the one that's already there at the bottom. That way if people want to leave a quick message without reading all the way down they have that option.<!--content-->whoo-hoo! i figured how to do it. it was a total accident. i was checking to see if i could edit the guestbook (still haven't figured that one out) and added a link to the "guestbook" at the top of the page. all you have to do is click it and it shows the guestbook. of course, this means i have to find a "view my guestbook" gif now. oh well. thanx again.<!--content-->