drawString wrap?


New Member
Heya, I've got 3 outstanding posts on the board atm, what's one more? :P<BR><BR>I'm dynamically creating images using system.drawing, but I need my text to wrap if the image rectangle width is less than the length of the text. <BR><BR>I've been searching through all the classes on MSDN/dotnet247, but can't seem to find it. <BR><BR>Also, is there anyway to improve the antialising of an image other than graphics.smoothingMode? All I'm attempting to do is create some text headers and things, but they look more pixelated than standard html would!<BR><BR>Thanks again,<BR><BR>])ryIn case anybody else needs the answer to this. Here it is. <BR><BR>http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpguide/html/_gdiplus_drawing_text_usecsharp.asp<BR><BR>This area answers both the wrap and antialiasing questions. <BR><BR>])ry