Hi,<BR><BR>I am getting the following error when I load MAIN_PAGE.aspx (code below):<BR><BR> Exception of type System.StackOverflowException was thrown.<BR><BR>I have deleted almost everything from the code of the aspx and ascx pages, and still I get the same error! My mistake must be something really basic / really stupid - can anyone tell me what?<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>JON<BR><BR>PS In the SDK documentation, the following explanation of this type of error is given: "StackOverflowException is thrown for execution stack overflow errors, typically in case of a very deep or unbounded recursion". Can anyone explain to me what this actually means (in really simple language)?<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<BR>MAIN_PAGE.aspx<BR>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<BR><BR><BR><%@ Page Language="VB" %><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.Oledb" %><BR><BR><%@ Register TagPrefix="UserControl" TagName="RHS" src=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"EXAMPLE_USER_CONTROL.ascx" %><BR><BR><BR><script language="VB" runat="server"><BR><BR> Sub Page_Load(obj as object, e as eventargs)<BR> RHSUserControl.ExampleProperty = "somestring"<BR> end sub<BR> <BR></script><BR><BR><BR><html><BR><body><BR><BR> <form runat="server"><BR> <UserControl:RHS runat="server" id="RHSUserControl" /><BR> </form><BR></body><BR></html><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<BR>EXAMPLE_USER_CONTROL.ascx<BR>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<BR><BR><BR><%@ Control Language="VB" %><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><BR><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.Oledb" %><BR><BR><script language="VB" runat="server"><BR><BR> Public Property ExampleProperty As String<BR> Get<BR> Return ExampleProperty<BR> End Get<BR> Set<BR> ExampleProperty = value<BR> End Set<BR> End Property<BR><BR> <BR></script><BR><BR>Some textI imagine that the stack overflow is caused by the property "recursively" trying to return *itself*, although I'm surprised that this gets past the compiler.<BR><BR>Try changing things around like this:<BR><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------<BR><BR><BR>' ### NOTE: added a private data field<BR>Private _exampleProperty As String = ""<BR><BR><BR>' Public get'ters & set'ters used to access<BR>' private data member<BR>Public Property ExampleProperty As String <BR> Get <BR> Return _exampleProperty ' <--- ### NOTE THE CHANGE HERE<BR> End Get <BR> Set <BR> _exampleProperty = value ' <--- ### NOTE THE CHANGE HERE <BR> End Set <BR>End PropertyHi Digory,<BR><BR>Wow, solving a problem 7 minutes after it was posted has got to be some kind of world record.<BR><BR>Thanks, that error has driving me nuts all day. Have to confess, I'm still not really sure what was going on - or why your suggested code changes don't throw an error - but at least the day hasn't been a complete waste of time now!<BR><BR>Cheers,<BR><BR>JON